"When moisture and sunshine combine in just the right combination, the magical phenomenon of a rainbow occurs. Hawaii is known as the Rainbow State because of the frequency with which brilliant rainbows appear, arching over her valleys, cliffs and beaches like welcoming beacons." *quoted from http://www.guidebookamerica.com/news/hawaii_rainbow/index.htm

What better playful theme for a Hawaii celebration then Rainbows. I found these fun desserts (oh excuse me - is my sweet tooth showing) while surfing the web and "Viola" a concept has begun to develop. Of course - the Brother Iz version of "Somewhere over the Rainbow" would work. The trick to a successful execution of this would be to use either neutrals or a monochromatic color in all other areas(linens, attire, flowers, stationary, etc.) http://www.loveandoliveoil.com/2010/11/rainbow-cake.html
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