Looking your very best on your wedding day is not negotiable. Placing make-up is an art and making it stay on, especially in the tropical climate of Hawaii, is a skill. Across the board, Parasol Events' preferred make-up artists create whatever look our clients want to achieve.
Brides may want to be high glamour, retro, edgy, modern, classic or just a highlighted version of herself. Our stylists' skills in enhancing, re-creating, and camouflaging is truly impressive.
Take notes...here are our favorites!!!!!!
CJ Bae www.makeuphawaii.com
Alison Hayashi/ www.kissandmakeuphawaii.com
Beverly Kaneshige/ www.makeupbybev.com
Jacque Rojas/ www.jacquerojas.com
Leslie Fair/ www.lesliefair.com
Dorys Foltin/ www.dorysfoltin.com
photo by visionariphoto.com